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In respect to this, how much is a sofa set?
$1000 or less: The sub-thousand dollar range is whatwe'd consider an inexpensive sofa. $1000 – $2000: Amid-range priced sofa generally falls in between one to twothousand dollars. $2000 or more: Anything above two grand, we wouldconsider to be an expensive sofa.
Also asked, what is the difference between a sofa and a settee?
Traditionally the couch, sofa andsettee were three very different items of furniture.But in modern English, they have all come to mean the samething. Ironically, in the US, “couch” isthe most widely used variant of the word, yet they most commonlyrefer to the sofa bed as a sofa bed rather than a“couch bed”.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the use ofthe word chesterfield was already used in England in the1800's to describe a leather couch. This was the original purposeof the chesterfield sofa with its characteristic deepbuttoned upholstery, rolled arms, equal back and arm height andnail head trim.