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Put simply, speed ramping or time remapping istheart of slowing down and speeding up your footage in order toproducedramatic and creative effects.
In this manner, how do you speed up a ramp in Premiere?
Use Time Remapping
- Right-click on your clip and select 'Show ClipKeyframes>TimeRemapping>Speed'
- Increase your speed. Simply drag the 'Rubber Band' on yourclipup and down to increase/decrease the clip duration.
- Time-remapping can be keyframed in the Effects Panel.
Also know, how do you speed up a ramp in imovie?
Change clip speed
- In the timeline, select the clip whose speed you wanttochange.
- To show the speed controls, click the Speed button.
- Choose either Slow or Fast from the Speed pop-up menu, andclicka speed button to set the speed.
Use the Speed/Duration command
- In the Timeline panel or Project panel, select one ormoreclips. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) clipstoselect a non-contiguous group of clips in the Project panel.
- Choose Clip > Speed/Duration or right-click over aselectedclip and choose Speed/Duration.
- Click OK.