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Thereof, what is split injection in gas chromatography?
Split injection with capillary gas chromatography (GC) has typically been used when analyzing neat or concentrated samples. Split injection involves introducing only a small portion of the sample to the GC column, mainly to avoid overloaded peaks that corrupt the separation efficiency of the column.
Thereof, what is split and splitless in GC?
If a split injection is used then there won't be enough analyte injected on-column to detect. This is called the splitless mode and it's used for trace because all the analyte mass in a 1 µL injection goes on column, and is not split; and so this is the most sensitive the method can be: a splitless injection.
Many times, peak splitting can happen because of a faulty injection. You need to check the injection liner and the glass wool inside. If the proper liner is not used or the glass wool is not properly inserted inside the liner, it may split the peak.