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Herein, what does the Stratopause do?
The stratopause (formerly Mesopeak) is the level of the atmosphere which is the boundary between two layers: the stratosphere and the mesosphere. In the stratosphere the temperature increases with altitude, and the stratopause is the region where a maximum in the temperature occurs.
Similarly, it is asked, what happens in the Mesopause?
The mesopause is the point of minimum temperature at the boundary between the mesosphere and the thermosphere atmospheric regions. Air rising will expand and cool resulting in a cold summer mesopause and conversely downwelling air results in compression and associated increase in temperature at the winter mesopause.
atmosphere structure The stratopause caps the top of the stratosphere, separating it from the mesosphere near 45–50 km (28–31 miles) in altitude and a pressure of 1 millibar (approximately equal to 0.75 mm of mercury at 0 °C, or 0.03 inch of mercury at 32 °F).