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Furthermore, how painful is Tebori?
Tebori is often thought to be moretime-consumingand painful than machine tattooing, but hedisagrees. Askilled tebori artist can work just as fast as amachine,and the amount of pain comes down to the artist, notthemethod. “If you're trying to get a whole back piece,yes,it's painful,” he admits.
Just so, how long does a Tebori sleeve take?
Each sitting for a tebori tattoo cantakebetween 2 and 6 hours. The duration will be determinedbeforehand.It's important that you sit as still as possible duringthisprocess. Tebori is a delicate art, and movements onyourpart could result in a permanent mistake tothetattoo.
Becauseconvicts were tattooed as punishment during the Edoperiod(1600-1868), not many people chose to be tattooed. Asanostentatious display of themselves, society's out-casts tookuptattooing of themselves, as indeed it was with thegangstersand the yakuza.