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Then, what are the 2 laws of refraction?
Laws of refraction state that: The incidentray,reflected ray and the normal, to the interface of any twogivenmediums; all lie in the same plane. The ratio of the sine oftheangle of incidence and sine of the angle of refractionisconstant.
Regarding this, what are the laws of reflection?
The law of reflection states that theincidentray, the reflected ray, and the normal to thesurface of themirror all lie in the same plane. Furthermore, theangle ofreflection is equal to the angle of incidence . Forroughsurfaces, the law of reflection remainsvalid.
This line is known as a normal line (labeled N inthediagram). The normal line divides the angle betweentheincident ray and the reflected ray into twoequalangles. The law of reflection states that when a rayoflight reflects off a surface, the angle of incidence is equaltothe angle of reflection.