Asked by: Andzelika Madureira
science chemistry

What is the activity series and how does it work?

The activity series of metals is an empirical tool usedto predict products in displacement reactions and reactivityof metals with water and acids in replacement reactions and oreextraction. It can be used to predict the products in similarreactions involving a different metal.

Subsequently, one may also ask, how does the activity series work?

P3: Activity Series of Metals. The reactivityseries is a series of metals, in order ofreactivity from highest to lowest. It is used to determinethe products of single displacement reactions, whereby metal A willreplace another metal B in a solution if A is higher in theseries.

Secondly, how can you tell which metal is more active? The elements toward the bottom left corner of theperiodic table are the metals that are the mostactive in the sense of being the most reactive. Lithium,sodium, and potassium all react with water, forexample.

Beside this, what is the activity series definition?

Activity Series Definition: The activityseries of metals is an list of metals ranked in order ofdecreasing reactivity to displace hydrogen gas from waterand acid solutions. It can also be used to predict which metalswill displace other metals in aqueous solutions.

Which element is the most reactive?

Cesium and francium are the most reactiveelements in this group. Alkali metals can explode if they areexposed to water.

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Answer and Explanation:
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Alkali metals are the most reactive group in theperiodic table, not to be confused with Alkaline earthmetals.

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Reactivity. Lithium is part of the Group 1Alkali Metals, which are highly reactive and are never foundin their pure form in nature. This is due to their electronconfiguration, in that they have a single valence electron (Figure1) which is very easily given up in order to create bonds and formcompounds.

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No, copper is not more reactive thaniron.. As you can see ,copper does not displaceiron from its solution since it is less reactive thaniron.A more reactive metal displaces a lessreactive metal from its solution.

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The reason are: Zinc is a moreelectropositive element than iron. Zinc has a biggeratomic size than that of iron and thus hasmore number of electrons. The fact of having moreelecetrons and a 'd' sub shell, gives zinc a lot ofhybridisation possibilities than that ofiron.

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The elements magnesium, aluminium and iron arealso considered as active metals and they react with steam toproduce oxides and hydrogen gas. The metals abovehydrogen are more reactive than hydrogen. So zinc ismore reactive than iron and copper.

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According to NCERT(10th standard in INDIA) sodium(Na) is more reactive than calcium (Ca).Sodium needs to loose only 1 electron whereas Calciumneeds to loose 2 to achieve Noble gas configuration which is stablestate.

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What is activity series How does it help us in predicting?

The activity series of metals is an empiricaltool used to predict products in displacement reactions andreactivity of metals with water and acids in replacementreactions and ore extraction. It can be used topredict the products in similar reactions involving adifferent metal.

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How do you identify a single replacement reaction?

Key Takeaways
  1. A single-replacement reaction replaces one element for anotherin a compound.
  2. The periodic table or an activity series can help predictwhether single-replacement reactions occur.
  3. A double-replacement reaction exchanges the cations (or theanions) of two ionic compounds.

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Is iron a strong metal?

You might think of iron as a hard, strongmetal tough enough to support bridges and buildings, but that'snot pure iron. What we have there is alloys of iron(iron combined with carbon and other elements), which we'llexplain in more detail in a moment. Pure iron is a differentmatter altogether.

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Is Lithium a metal?

It is a soft, silvery-white alkali metal. Understandard conditions, it is the lightest metal and thelightest solid element. Like all alkali metals,lithium is highly reactive and flammable, and must be storedin mineral oil.

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The alkali metals, Group 1A, are the mostreactive metals because they have one valence or outerelectron. This makes Francium the most reactive, followed bycesium, rubidium, potassium, sodium and lithium. Francium isalmost non-existent in nature so cesium is the most reactivemetal of those observed.

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When should you use the activity series?

The reactivity series is a series ofmetals, in order of reactivity from highest tolowest. It is used to determine the products of singledisplacement reactions, whereby metal A will replace anothermetal B in a solution if A is higher in theseries.