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Herein, what was the Apalachee religion?
The Apalachee people became citizens of Spainbyaccepting Christianity. By 1656, Mission San Luis wasestablishedat the seat of Apalachee power, solidifyingareligious, military, and economic alliance. In thefinaldecades of the 1600s, Spanish families joined the settlementof1,400 Apalachee at Mission San Luis.
Accordingly, what is the Apalachee tribe known for?
From at least A.D. 1000, a group of farmingIndiansknown as the Apalachee lived in northwestFlorida. Othertribes respected the Apalachees becausethey belongedto an advanced Indian civilization, they wereprosperous, and theywere fierce warriors. For food, they grew corn,beans andsquash.
Translated, this means "the river of theAisIndians". Later the Spaniards were to refer to the IndianRiveron all of their maps as "The Rio d' Ays". In addition to fishandgame, oysters, clams and snails were a mainstay of their diet.Asthese Indians became more civilized, their society lostmuchof its simplicity.