Asked by: Liberto Puscasu
travel north america travel

What is the average precipitation in San Francisco?

The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is Csc. The average temperature in San Francisco is 14.1 °C | 57.5 °F. The annual rainfall is 537 mm | 21.1 inch.

Similarly, you may ask, what is the average rainfall for San Francisco?

25 inches

Similarly, does it rain a lot in SF? Being that San Francisco has a quasi-Mediterranean climate, 80% of the rain falls in 5 months, November through March. April is iffy; often sunny and warm, but can get rain. The entire rest of the year, May through October, only gets about 5% of the annual rainfall.

Also know, what month does it rain the most in San Francisco?

A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the months: January, February and December. San Francisco has dry periods in May, June, July, August and September. On average, December is the wettest month.

What is the weather usually like in San Francisco?

Average Weather in San Francisco California, United States. In San Francisco, the summers are long, comfortable, arid, and mostly clear and the winters are short, cold, wet, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 45°F to 72°F and is rarely below 39°F or above 83°F.

Related Question Answers

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Why is San Francisco so expensive?

San Francisco is one of the wealthiest and most expensive cities in America. San Francisco's high cost of living is due to its booming tech industry and proximity to Silicon Valley. The Bay Area could become even more expensive given the high number of tech companies expected to go public this year.

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Is San Francisco Safe?

San Francisco is a safe city. With a rating of 69,4% the US is ranked 51th out of 162 on the ranking of the safest and most dangerous countries.

Carmel Hasainov


Why is San Francisco so cold?

That fog, caused by icy Pacific water meeting warmer air, is cold and damp, often blown in on a chilly ocean breeze. That explains why San Francisco neighborhoods near the Pacific, like the Richmond and Sunset districts, have the reputation of being cold.

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Are there sharks in San Francisco Bay?

Sharks of San Francisco Bay. However, there are 11 different species of shark that do call the San Francisco Bay home. Of these, at least five species live in the Bay year-round, breeding and giving birth here. The Leopard shark is the most common shark found in San Francisco Bay.

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What is San Francisco known for?

A popular tourist destination, San Francisco is known for its cool summers, fog, steep rolling hills, eclectic mix of architecture, and landmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, the former Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, Fisherman's Wharf, and its Chinatown district.

Georghe Obelleiro


What is the foggiest month in San Francisco?

June, July and August are the foggiest months in San Francisco. It's usually foggy in the morning with some sun in the afternoon. The fog then rolls in again around 5 or 6pm. Even though its foggy during these summer days, the weather is cooler than the rest of the US - which makes it a great time to visit.

Dimitar Najerilla


Does it rain a lot in the Bay Area?

Recently the Bay area has seen a decent amount of May rain. Measurable amounts fell in 2015, 2017, and 2018. Historically, San Francisco sees an average of about 0.7 inches of May rainfall, according to the National Weather Service. The wettest Mays in the Bay Area range from 3"-5" of total rain.

Glayds Kumari


What areas to avoid in San Francisco?

Top Five Safe Places In San Francisco
  • The Castro, Noe Valley & Dolores Park.
  • The Marina & Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Nob Hill.
  • Union Square.
  • Outer Richmond, Sutro Heights Park & Point Lobos Avenue.
  • The Tenderloin.
  • Bayview-Hunters Point.
  • Sunnydale.

Sharon Gerasimovsky


How do people dress in San Francisco in July?

For the San Francisco weather in July, I typically wear short sleeved shirts and pants during the day. You could probably bring along some shorts too. Since it's breezy here in July, you will find it a bit too cool most of the time for shorts.

Willie Gompertz


What is the rainiest month in California?

The rainiest months in Southern California are December through March.

Ruth Jatsenko


What should I wear in San Francisco?

Here are a few things you should bring along during these months:
  • A couple lightweight, long sleeve or 3/4 sleeve shirts.
  • A couple short sleeved shirts.
  • One or two lightweight sweaters.
  • A lightweight jacket.
  • At least one pair of close toed shoes.
  • Long pants and skirts.

Kayleigh Berkenstrater


How long should I stay in San Francisco?

According to the San Francisco Visitor's Bureau, people stay just 4 to 5 nights on the average and you may have even less time than that, so some prioritizing is essential.

Geovana Pardiñas


How many days do you need in San Francisco?

Re: How many days should I spend in San Francisco? If you want to catch a mere glimpse of a few major attractions then sure one day is enough BUT if you really want to see and experience The City then at least 3 to 4 days is definitely needed.

Iaroslava Ouerghi


Ndiaye Jupanenko


What month does it start raining in California?

The first sporadic rainfall of the rainy season usually occurs in October or November, with heavy rain becoming more common December through early April. Usually the Pineapple Express storms from November to January. February, on average, is the wettest month.

Anunciata Koldehofe


What is the best month to visit San Francisco?

The best times to visit San Francisco are in the spring and fall months of May, June, September and October, when weather is generally clear and mild, and tourist season isn't at its peak.

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Is San Francisco dirty?

San Francisco is a very dirty city even in areas beyond the Tenderloin. If in this economic cycle it doesn't change it never will become cleaner.

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Why is SF cold in summer?

Why it's windier in the afternoon
Over the course of the day, the air inland heats up in California. But air remains cool over the ocean — where the water stays about the same temperature all day. The cold, high-pressure air from over the ocean rushes inland, toward the warm, lower pressure air.