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Asked by: Harjeet Dommes
home and garden home appliancesWhat is the average temperature of a lighter flame?
Also know, what is the temperature of a lighter flame?
If a butane lighter did not lose any heat —called the adiabatic temperature — it could reach4,074 degrees, but most butane flames actually burn attemperatures closer to 3,578 degrees due to theirinteraction with the surrounding environment.
Also to know, what's the hottest part of a lighter flame?
Actually, the hottest part of the candleflame is the blue part, at 1670 degrees F (1400 C.)That is where the flame has the most oxygen and you aregetting complete combustion. The reddish part is the coolestpart, about 1070 F (800C).
The Electric Lighter arc will heat up toapproximately 1,100 degrees Celsius or 2,012 degreesFahrenheit.