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Asked by: Pascal Fernandez Marcote
sports fishing sportsWhat is the best bait to catch rockfish?
Correspondingly, what is the best bait for lingcod?
Bait squid by hooking the top hookthroughthe top of the body and the bottom hook near thetentaclesor eye. My favorite techniques to catch Lingcod orRockfishinclude fish traps or swim baits, live baitor frozensquid.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you catch a rock in cod?
A strip of squid, anchovies, or sardines is idealforcatching a rock cod fish. Attach a piece of yourbaitto each hook. You want to make sure that the bait is attachedatthe end of the hook so that it will flap around in the currentandattract a rock cod fish.
If chicken livers are the best known ofallcatfish baits, crawfish may be the most overlooked.Allmajor species of catfish feed on crawfish, althoughmostflatheads caught on craws weigh 20 pounds or less. Crawfishrankamong the best baits of all for fishing in creeks andsmallrivers.