Asked by: Ribera Pardeiro
science space and astronomy

What is the best description of what a planetary nebula is?

A planetary nebula is an astronomical object consisting of a glowing shell of gas and plasma formed by certain types of stars at the end of their lives. They are in fact unrelated to planets; the name originates from a supposed similarity in appearance to giant planets.

Similarly, what causes a planetary nebula?

A planetary nebula is created when a star blows off its outer layers after it has run out of fuel to burn. These outer layers of gas expand into space, forming a nebula which is often the shape of a ring or bubble.

Furthermore, how bright is a planetary nebula? Planetary nebulae are considerably denser than most H II regions, typically containing 1,000–10,000 atoms per cubic cm within their dense regions, and have a surface brightness 1,000 times larger. High-resolution images of a planetary nebula usually reveal tiny knots and filaments down to the resolution limit.

Similarly, it is asked, what is a planetary nebula quizlet?

Planetary Nebula. A shell of gas from stars like our sun, at the end of their lifetime, there is no materials and they need to form a new star. main sequence to red star.

What causes a planetary nebula quizlet?

Planets engulfed in the flame of a red giant continue their orbit inside the star, churning it up and causing material to be ejected irregularly. When the Sun dies it will most likely become a planetary nebula but it will be much smaller than most we can currently see from Earth.

Related Question Answers

Cortez Czuder


What are the two types of Nebula?

Types of Nebulae
  • Galaxies.
  • Globular Clusters.
  • Open Clusters.
  • Emission Nebulae.
  • Reflection Nebulae.
  • Dark Nebulae.
  • Planetary Nebulae.
  • Supernova Remnants.

Demelsa Schliesser


Where are nebula found?

Nebulae exist in the space between the stars—also known as interstellar space. The closest known nebula to Earth is called the Helix Nebula. It is the remnant of a dying star—possibly one like the Sun. It is approximately 700 light-years away from Earth.

Florine Acin


What elements make up planetary nebula?

Planetary nebulae usually contain larger proportions of elements such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, and these are recycled into the interstellar medium via these powerful winds.

Yugo Fluvia


What is the oldest Nebula?

The first planetary nebula to be discovered was the Dumbbell Nebula, M27, by Charles Messier in 1764. He eventually added four to his catalog of astronomical objects. In 1790, Herschel found NGC 1514, a planetary nebula with a bright central star.

Lima Rigor


What is the difference between a planetary nebula and a supernova?

A planetary nebula is the death marker for a low mass star. A supernova is the massive explosion that marks the destruction of a more massive star.

Verda Enjuanes


What is the difference between a planetary nebula and a nebula?

Explanation: Planetary nebula is the gases puffed out from a star which almost finish its hydrogen in the core..Pull of gravity to center and pressure of fusion pushes out wards.. When fusion stops the gravity reduces and outer layers are lost into space. These gases in a ring shape are called a planetary nebula.

Laurentiu Emtsov


How heavy is a nebula?

Nebulae are huge interstellar clouds of gas and dust that range in size from 1 AU to 10 AU, and which are less dense than the deepest vacuum in Earth's laboratories. Just one portion of of a nebula the size of Earth would weigh only a few kilograms!

Elis Arumi


Why are nebulae important?

Planetary nebulae are important objects in astronomy because they play a crucial role in the chemical evolution of the galaxy, returning material to the interstellar medium which has been enriched in heavy elements and other products of nucleosynthesis (such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and calcium).

Grecia Kuersten


What happens to the core of a star after it ejects a planetary nebula?

What happens to the core of a star after it ejects a planetary nebula? It becomes a white dwarf. Low-mass stars are cooler and less luminous than high-mass stars.

Jatinder Rakhlevsky


What is a black dwarf made of?

Explanation: Since the theoretical black dwarf is just a white dwarf that has cooled completely, then it should be the same composition as a white dwarf. The final end product of fusion is iron, therefore a black dwarf would be made of iron.

Zahara Kynast


What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply?

What happens when a star exhausts its core hydrogen supply? Its core contracts, but its outer layers expand and the star becomes bigger and brighter. It is fusing hydrogen into helium in a shell outside the core.

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What kind of gas cloud is most likely to give birth to stars?

Star Formation
Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula. Turbulence deep within these clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under its own gravitational attraction.

Junquera Huzin


What is stellar nucleosynthesis quizlet?

What is stellar nucleosynthesis? The formation of heavier elements inside stars. The Chandrasekhar mass limit is. 1.4 solar masses. In neutronization of the core, a proton and an electron make a neutron and a.

Elisei Marhofen


Which property of a star is most important in controlling its evolutionary cycle?

The time scales of stellar evolution depend on the mass of the star. The rule governing stellar evolution is the more mass present, the faster the evolution for the star through the fuel consumption stages. Another property directly linked to the mass and evolution of a star is its luminosity.

Rafila Yaksha


What is the main observational difference between a Type Ia and a Type II supernova?

Physically, type II supernovae are caused by the collapse of a massive star. Type Ia supernovae are driven by a white dwarf which accretes enough mass to exceed the Chandrasekhar limit and collapses into a neutron star.

Constança Halikov


Where do white dwarf stars come from?

A white dwarf is what stars like the Sun become after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel. Near the end of its nuclear burning stage, this type of star expels most of its outer material, creating a planetary nebula. Only the hot core of the star remains.

Sukaina Subirana


What is a typical age for a globular cluster?

Typical results for globular clusters are that they may be as old as 12.7 billion years. This is in contrast to open clusters which are only tens of millions of years old. The ages of globular clusters place a bound on the age limit of the entire universe.

Merle Comuñas


How hot is Nebula?

The temperature of the gas in the nebula is about 10,000 degrees Celsius, and the central stars of planetary nebulae are among the hottest stars in the Universe, with temperature in the range of 25,000 to over 200,000 degrees Celsius.

Rafia Anderfuhr


Will our Sun become a nebula?

Ultimately, most scientists believe that the Sun will become a planetary nebula. As is progresses though the red giant stage, the outer envelope of the Sun will be blown off into space. After it expels its outer layers, the core of the Sun will contract, and it will become a white dwarf.