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Asked by: Traute Ossenbuhn
business and finance defense industryWhat is the best powder for 45 ACP?
Best Powders for Reloading 45 ACP
My favorites are Hodgdon Titegroup and IMR Target for light competition loads and Hodgdon CFE Pistol and Winchester AutoComp for heavy competition and defense loads.
Similarly, you may ask, how many grains of powder are in a 45 ACP round?
A . 45 ACP with 230 gr BULLET is loaded with maybe 5 grains of POWDER. So if you cast your own bullets, yes, you get 30 out of a pound of LEAD.
- Best Powder for .223: Hodgdon H4895.
- Best Powder for .308: IMR 4064.
- Best Powder for General Purpose Pistol: IMR Trail Boss.
- Best General Purpose Shotgun Powder: Alliant Red Dot.
- Best General Purpose Rifle Powder: IMR 4350.
- Best Magnum Handgun Powder: Hodgdon H110.
Hereof, what is the most accurate 45 ACP ammo?
Our Picks: Best 45 ACP Plinking Ammo
- Blazer Brass 45 ACP 230 Grain FMJ, and Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230 Grain FMJ. If your .
- Winchester Service Grade 45 ACP 230 Grain FMJ.
- Federal American Eagle Non-Toxic Primer 45 ACP 230 Grain TMJ.
- Speer LE Gold Dot 45 ACP 230 Grain JHP.
- Federal 45 ACP 230 Grain HST JHP.
For the popular semi-auto cartridges like 9mm, 40S&W or 45ACP, you are looking at ~3 cents for the primer and 1-2 cents for the powder. So it's basically 5 cents + your projectile. Plain and coated lead 45ACP bullets start out at ~8-9 cents, and plated or jacketed bullets are ~10-15.