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Asked by: Mayca Lamiarrita
home and garden interior decoratingWhat is the best tile for a shower floor?
In respect to this, what is the best type of tile for a shower?
Tile for Shower Walls Glazed ceramic and porcelain tile aremostcommonly used, from the ubiquitous 4 1/4-inch white squarestolarge-format tiles of almost any size -- providedyourinstaller is up to it. Glass and stone also make goodtilefor shower walls.
what is the best flooring for a shower?
Ceramic and porcelain tile might be one ofthebest options for your bathroom floor.
Porcelain tile is harder and more durablethanceramic tile. After years of differences, thetileindustry formed a special interest group, PorcelainTileCertification Agency (PTCA), geared toward certifyingtilesas porcelain. Use porcelain tile inhigh-moistureapplications, such as showers, bathtubs,andpools.