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Likewise, people ask, what type of wood is best for skateboards?
Maple wood is an ideal wood typeforskateboards; it is flexible, yet durable, allowing it tobeeasily shaped without sacrificing strength. It's still themostcommon material used forskateboarddecks.
Furthermore, what are longboards made out of?
Longboard decks are typically madefromplywood: anywhere from two to eleven layers, each ofusually2 millimeters (0.079 in) in thickness, composed ofbirch,bamboo, maple, koa, or oak wood. Longboards arecommerciallyavailable in a variety of shapes andsizes.
Longboards are a great skateboard optionforcruising, carving, freeriding, downhill, and slalom. They arealsois a dependable choice for commuting if you need to get from Ato Bquickly.