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Moreover, is it illegal to be on the deep Web?
Due to the anonymity that Tor and such privatebrowsersoffer, unfortunately, it is also a popular nesting groundforcriminal and illegal activity. While it is legal toaccessthe deep web with a dedicated or anonymous browser,manywebsites on the deep web are not legaltovisit.
Also know, what is the main purpose of dark web?
The dark web is a hidden portion oftheinternet that can only be accessed using specialsoftware.While the dark web offers anonymity and a way tobypassinternet censorship, it is commonly associated withillegalactivities such as the buying and selling of drugs andothercontraband.
The dark web is part of the internetthatisn't visible to search engines and requires the use ofananonymizing browser called Tor to be accessed. Kaptnali /GettyImages.