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Asked by: Anthea Benaches
hobbies and interests card gamesWhat is the cheat code of Mew in Pokemon Fire Red?
Beside this, can you get mew in fire red?
In Pokemon Red, the only way to obtainMewwas by attending an official Nintendo event, where itwould betransferred using a link cable. In Fire Red, thereis a wayto catch Mew. Ignore the gambler in front of thehousebetween Lavender Town and Saffron City.
Also question is, can you do the Mew glitch in fire red?
Trading for Mew is the only legitimate waytoobtain a Mew in FireRed anymore. There isaglitch that people claim will work tofindMew, but this only works in the originalPokémongames. It does not work in FireRed.
You can get Arceus in all the Nintendo DSversionsof Pokémon, but to get it in the 3DSgames,you'll need to transfer it over. Arceus isnotavailable at all in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire,Emerald,FireRed, and LeafGreen.