Asked by: Confesor Ehrenzweig
science space and astronomy

What is the circumference of a 10 foot diameter circle?

Calculating Circumference FromDiameter
So if the diameter of your circle is10 feet, you'd calculate 10 × 3.14 = 31.4feet as the circumference, or 10 ×3.1415 = 31.415 feet if you're asked for a more exactanswer.

Correspondingly, what is the circumference of a 3 foot diameter circle?

Circumference = 2*PI*radius = PI*diameterso your answer is 3*PI feet long. If the brass stripencircles the cover, then it goes around the outside edge, or thecircle's circumference. Since the diameter is given,the C = πD = π(3) = 3π or approximately3(3.14) = 9.42 feet.

Beside above, what is the circumference of a 12 diameter circle? The circumference of a circle is thediameter x 3.1416. The diameter of a circle isthe circumference multiplied by 0.31831. The area of acircle is the diameter x diameter x0.7854.

Regarding this, what is the circumference of a 24 inch diameter circle?

If you have the diameter measurement, multiply itby pi to find the circumference. For example, a wheel with a10-inch diameter will have a circumference of 10 x3.14, or 31.4 inches.

What is the circumference of a 5 foot diameter circle?

where r is the radius of a circle. and thereforeC = πd (where d is the diameter). So since d = 5feet, the Circumference of the circle is 5πfeet.

Related Question Answers

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Write down the formula for finding thecircumference of a circle using the diameter. Theformula is simply this: C = πd. In this equation,"C" represents the circumference of the circle, and "d"represents its diameter. That is to say, you can find thecircumference of a circle just by multiplying the diameterby pi.

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The circumference of a circle can be foundby multiplying pi ( π = 3.14 ) by the diameter of thecircle. If a circle has a diameter of4, its circumference is 3.14*4=12.56. If youknow the radius, the diameter is twice aslarge.

Ricardo Gherardi


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The radius of a circle is the distance from thecenter of the circle to any point on its circumference. Theeasiest way to find the radius is by dividing the diameterin half.

Hasmik Fernandes


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Solve the equation for the diameter of thecircle, d= C/π. In this example, "d = 12 / 3.14." or "Thediameter is equal to twelve divided by 3.14." Divide thecircumference by pi to get the answer. In this case, thediameter would be 3.82 inches.

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How do you find the diameter with the area?

Calculate the Diameter of a Circle, from Its Area
  1. Divide the area (in square units) by Pi (approximately3.14159). Example: 303,000/3.14159 = 96447.98.
  2. Take the square root of the result (Example: 310.56). This isthe radius.
  3. Now double the radius to get the diameter (Example: 621.12meters).

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How do you work out the radius from the circumference?

Calculating Radius UsingCircumference
Suppose you know that the circumference of acircle is 20 centimeters and you want to calculate theradius. Just plug the value for the circumferenceinto the equation and solve. Remember that pi is approximatelyequal to 3.14.

Broulaye Bozzo


How do you find the circumference with the area?

Use the formula for the area of a circle,π*r^2, or pi times radius r squared = Area A. Use theformula for the circumference of a circle, 2*π*r, or 2times pi time radius r = Circumference C. Then, multiply theradius r by 2*π to obtain C, the circumference: C =2*π*sqrt(A/π). Done!

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How do I find the length of an arc?

To find arc length, start by dividing thearc's central angle in degrees by 360. Then, multiply thatnumber by the radius of the circle. Finally, multiply that numberby 2 × pi to find the arc length.

Naroba Escutia


Is diameter half of the circumference?

The distance around a circle on the other hand is calledthe circumference (c). Half of the diameter,or the distance from the midpoint to the circle border, is calledthe radius of the circle (r).

Suimei Ventre


How do you measure a circle?

If the object is a circle, and you know itscircumference, you would divide the circumference by pi to find thediameter of the circle. Half the diameter is the radius.Square the radius and multiply by pi to find the area of thecircle.

Diara Hlevniuk


What is pi r2?

π (Pi) times the Radius squared:A = πr2. or, when you know the Diameter:A = (π/4)× D2. or, when you know the Circumference:A =C2 / 4π

Jorel Pfaffenritter


How do you find area?

To find the area of a rectangle multiply itsheight by its width. For a square you only need to find thelength of one of the sides (as each side is the same length) andthen multiply this by itself to find the area.

Riccardo Löw


How do we find the perimeter of a circle?

Learn that the perimeter of a circle hasits own special name, called "circumference." The symbol isa capital C. It is calculated using the formula Pi x diameter, or3.14 x d = C. It can also be calculated by Pi x (2 x radius) = C or3.14 x (2 x r) = C.

Joachim Costillo


How fo you find the area of a triangle?

To find the area of a triangle,multiply the base by the height, and then divide by 2. The divisionby 2 comes from the fact that a parallelogram can be divided into 2triangles. For example, in the diagram to the left, thearea of each triangle is equal to one-half thearea of the parallelogram.

Zoltan Springborn


How do I find the volume?

Units of Measure
  1. Volume = length x width x height.
  2. You only need to know one side to figure out the volume of acube.
  3. The units of measure for volume are cubic units.
  4. Volume is in three-dimensions.
  5. You can multiply the sides in any order.
  6. Which side you call length, width, or height doesn'tmatter.

Jeanett Fraidias


How is PI related to the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is relatedto one of the most important mathematical constants. This constant,pi, is represented by the Greek letter π. Pi isdefined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to itsdiameter d: Or, equivalently, as the ratio of thecircumference to twice the radius.

Herminio Erhart


How do you find the diameter if you have the length and width?

For example, if the circumference equals 56.52 inches,divide 56.52 by 3.14 to get a diameter of 18 inches.Multiply the radius by 2 to find the diameter. For example,if you have a radius of 47 inches, multiply 47 by 2 to get adiameter of 94 inches. Divide the radius by 0.5 tocalculate the diameter.

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First, divide the diameter by 2 and plug thevalues for volume, pi, and radius into the formula forvolume of a cylinder. Next, square the radius and multiplythe values together. Then, divide both sides by 200.96 for theanswer, remembering to include the appropriate unit ofmeasurement.

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In the case of a circle, the formula forarea, A, is A = pi * r^2, where r is the circle's radius.Since we know that a semicircle is half of a circle, we cansimply divide that equation by two to calculate the area of asemicircle. So, the formula for the area of asemicircle is A = pi * r^2/2.