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Asked by: Confesor Ehrenzweig
science space and astronomyWhat is the circumference of a 10 foot diameter circle?
Correspondingly, what is the circumference of a 3 foot diameter circle?
Circumference = 2*PI*radius = PI*diameterso your answer is 3*PI feet long. If the brass stripencircles the cover, then it goes around the outside edge, or thecircle's circumference. Since the diameter is given,the C = πD = π(3) = 3π or approximately3(3.14) = 9.42 feet.
Regarding this, what is the circumference of a 24 inch diameter circle?
If you have the diameter measurement, multiply itby pi to find the circumference. For example, a wheel with a10-inch diameter will have a circumference of 10 x3.14, or 31.4 inches.
where r is the radius of a circle. and thereforeC = πd (where d is the diameter). So since d = 5feet, the Circumference of the circle is 5πfeet.