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Asked by: Joakin Caneleiro
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsWhat is the CPT code for paper patch Myringoplasty?
Similarly, what is a paper patch on an eardrum?
In this surgery, the hole is covered with a small piece of special paper or gel foam that temporarily seals the hole, encouraging the body's normal healing processes. Sometimes fat from the child's ear lobe is used as the patch. Another common surgery for repairing a hole in the eardrum is called a tympanoplasty.
Similarly, it is asked, how is a Myringoplasty performed?
A myringoplasty is a surgery performed by an otolaryngologist to repair a hole in the eardrum. In this surgery, the hole is repaired by placing a graft made of either a small piece of tissue from elsewhere on the body, or a gel-like material. In about 90 percent of cases, a hole in the eardrum heals without treatment.
You need one to two weeks off work (or school/kinder/day-care), sport and study. You should not drive for at least 24 hours after a general anaesthetic or on any day when taking strong pain killers. You won't be able to swim or travel by plane until the ear is completely healed. This can take up to three months.