Asked by: Neyva Zhiryakov
technology and computing databases

What is the default data type of fields in pig?

float : It is a 32 bit floating point. This data type is similar to the Float in java. It is the default data type. If you don't specify a data type for a filed, then bytearray datatype is assigned for the field.

Then, what are the complex data types in pig?

Complex Types. Pig has three complex data types: maps, tuples, and bags. All of these types can contain data of any type, including other complex types. So it is possible to have a map where the value field is a bag, which contains a tuple where one of the fields is a map.

Subsequently, question is, what is relation in pig? A Pig relation is a bag of tuples. A Pig relation is similar to a table in a relational database, where the tuples in the bag correspond to the rows in a table.

Just so, what is flatten in pig?

The FLATTEN operator which is an arithmetic operator looks like a UDF syntactically, but it is actually an operator that changes the structure of tuples and bags in a way that a UDF cannot. Flatten un-nests tuples as well as bags. For tuples, flatten substitutes the fields of a tuple in place of the tuple.

Is Pig Latin case sensitive?

Keywords in Pig Latin are not case-sensitive; for example, LOAD is equivalent to load . But relation and field names are, so A = load 'foo'; is not equivalent to a = load 'foo'; . UDF names are also case-sensitive; thus, COUNT is not the same UDF as count .

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What is pig Big Data?

PIG Hadoop
Pig is a high level data flow system that renders you a simple language platform popularly known as Pig Latin that can be used for manipulating data and queries. Pig is used by Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, to collect and store large data sets in the form of web crawls, click streams and search logs.

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Apache Hive is a data warehouse system for data summarization and analysis and for querying of large data systems in the open-source Hadoop platform. It converts SQL-like queries into MapReduce jobs for easy execution and processing of extremely large volumes of data.

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Which of the following is used for debugging in pig?

The Dump operator is used to run the Pig Latin statements and display the results on the screen. It is generally used for debugging Purpose.

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Which of the pig relational operators is used to combine all the tuples in a relation that have the same key?

The GROUP operator groups together the tuples with the same group key (key field). The result of a GROUP operation is a relation that includes one tuple per group.

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How do you limit a pig?

The LIMIT operator is used to get a limited number of tuples from a relation.
  1. Step 1 - Change the directory to /usr/local/pig/bin.
  2. Step 2 - Enter into grunt shell in MapReduce mode.
  3. Step 3 - Create a student_details.
  4. Step 4 - Add these following lines to student_details.
  5. Step 5 - Copy student_details.
  6. Step 6 - Load Data.

Iñaqui Dreseler


What is Cogroup in pig?

GROUP operator is generally used to group the data in a single relation for better readability, whereas COGROUP can be used to group the data in 2 or more relations. COGROUP is more like a combination of GROUP and JOIN, i.e., it groups the tables based on a column and then joins them on the grouped columns.

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How do you use count in pig?

Apache Pig - COUNT()
The COUNT() function of Pig Latin is used to get the number of elements in a bag. While counting the number of tuples in a bag, the COUNT() function ignores (will not count) the tuples having a NULL value in the FIRST FIELD.

Nahikari Balakhovski


What is Tokenize in pig?

Advertisements. The TOKENIZE() function of Pig Latin is used to split a string (which contains a group of words) in a single tuple and returns a bag which contains the output of the split operation.

Evette Montecino


Can we use Flatten to convert a bag into tuples?

Flatten un-nests bags and tuples. For tuples, the Flatten operator will substitute the fields of a tuple in place of a tuple whereas un-nesting bags is a little complex because it requires creating new tuples.

Alexandros Martynyuk


What is foreach in pig?

The FOREACH operator is used to generate specified data transformations based on the column data.

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Which mode does PigUnit work by default?

PigUnit runs in Pig's local mode by default. Local mode is fast and enables you to use your local file system as the HDFS cluster. Local mode does not require a real cluster but a new local one is created each time.

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What is tuple in Hadoop?

Pig Data Types
Data Atom: is a simple atomic DATA VALUE and it is stored as string but can be used either a string or a number. Examples:'' and '1-0' Tuple: is a data record consisting of a sequence of “fields” and each field is a piece of data of any type (data atom, tuple or data bag)

Melcior Ucciero


Which operator is used to view the schema of a table?

The describe operator is used to view the schema of a relation.

Txaro Rato


What data bag represents in pig?

It produces a new relation where the input tuples are grouped by a particular key. A bag in the relation contains the grouped tuples for that key. The key is represented by a group parameter. BagGroup mimics the GROUP operation from Pig.

Israa Merkli


How do you speak pig Latin?

To speak Pig Latin, move the consonant cluster from the start of the word to the end of the word; when words begin on a vowel, simply add "-yay", "-way", or "-ay" to the end instead. These are the basic rules, and while they're pretty simple, it can take a bit of practice to get used to them.

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What are the benefits of Apache Pig over MapReduce?

Apache Pig is nothing but a data flow language. It is built on top of Hadoop. Basically, without having to write vanilla MapReduce jobs, it makes easier to process, clean and analyze “Big Data” in Hadoop. In addition, it has a lot of relational database features.

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Which of the operator is used to used to show values to keys used in pig?

The set command is used to show/assign values to keys used in Pig. Using this command, you can set values to the following keys.

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Which of the following function is used as input operator in pig?

Pig LOAD Operator (Input)
Load operator in the Pig is used for input operation which reads the data from HDFS or local file system. By default, it looks for the tab delimited file. If you are loading the data from other storage system say HBase then you need to specify the loader function for that very storage system.

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Which operator accepts value for input variable in pig UDF?

In FOREACH GENERATE statements, we use the Eval functions. Basically, it accepts a Pig value as input and returns a Pig result.