Asked by: Ulyana Cristensen
science space and astronomy

What is the derivative of Sinh 2x?

The derivative of sinh(u) sinh ( u ) with respect to u u is cosh(u) cosh ( u ) . Replace all occurrences of u u with 2x 2 x .

Thereof, what is derivative of Sinh?

So, the derivatives of the hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine functions are given by. (sinhx)′=(ex−e−x2)′=ex+e−x2=coshx,(coshx)′=(ex+e−x2)′=ex−e−x2=sinhx.

Secondly, what is the derivative of hyperbolic sine? Hyperbolic Functions
Function Derivative Graph
cosh(x) sinh(x)
tanh(x) 1-tanh(x)²
coth(x) 1-coth(x)²
sech(x) -sech(x)*tanh(x)

Secondly, how do you differentiate Cosh and Sinh?

Let g(x) = cosh x and h(x) = sinh x 2, function f is the quotient of functions g and h: f(x) = g(x) / h(x). Hence we use the quotient rule, f '(x) = [ h(x) g '(x) - g(x) h '(x) ] / h(x) 2, to find the derivative of function f.

What is the formula of Sinhx?

x = e x − e − x 2 sinh x = dfrac{e^x - e^{-x}}{2} sinhx=2ex−e−x? cosh ? x = e x + e − x 2 cosh x =dfrac{e^x + e^{-x}}{2} coshx=2ex+e−x?

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So we followed these steps:
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  2. Differentiate u: u'
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Alternatively, you can simply observe that coshx is always non-zero, and the only solution comes from sinhx=0.

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The hyperbolic sine function, sinhx, is one-to-one, and therefore has a well-defined inverse, sinh1x, shown in blue in the figure. By convention, cosh−1x is taken to mean the positive number y such that x=coshy.

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= 1/2 ex - 1/2 e-x = ( ex - e-x )/2 = sinh(x) Q.E.D. cosh(x) = sinh(x); tanh(x) = sinh(x)/cosh(x); Quotient Rule. = ( cosh(x) cosh(x) - sinh(x) sinh(x) ) / cosh2(x) = 1 - tanh2(x) Q.E.D. tanh(x) = 1 - tanh2(x); csch(x) = 1/sinh(x); sech(x) = 1/cosh(x); coth(x) = 1/tanh(x); Quotient Rule.

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Arcsin definition
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The product rule is used in calculus when you are asked to take the derivative of a function that is the multiplication of a couple or several smaller functions. In other words, a function f(x) is a product of functions if it can be written as g(x)h(x), and so on. This function is a product of two smaller functions.

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The standard way to derive the formula for sinh−1x goes like this: Put y=sinh−1x so that x=sinhy=ey−e−y2. Rearrange this to get 2x=ey−e−y, and hence e2y−2xey−1=0, which is a quadratic equation in ey. You then solve the quadratic and take logs (and take care with the ± sign you get with the roots of the quadratic).

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  1. To Implicitly derive a function (useful when a function can't easily be solved for y) Differentiate with respect to x. Collect all the dy/dx on one side. Solve for dy/dx.
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The derivative of sinh x is cosh x and the derivative of cosh x is sinh x; this is similar to trigonometric functions, albeit the sign is different (i.e., the derivative of cos x is −sin x).