Asked by: Uxune Jarraile
education special education

What is the difference between cues and prompts?

The difference between a cue and aprompt may be confusing and is really related to the degreeto which the student is assisted. A cue is just a hint anddoes not lead the student to a direct answer. A prompt ismuch more invasive as it takes the student step-by-step through thetask leading to a direct answer.

Also to know is, whats the difference between a prompt and a cue?

A cue is when a person signals to you to dosomething. The cue for you to begin singing is whenthe music director raises both hands together. Cues aresigns given by people to make other people do things or instructthem to do things or to start to do things.

Also, what is the hierarchy of prompts? The prompt hierarchy is a system of cueing andwhen implemented, allows a student the opportunity to communicate.The cues are sequenced from least to most directive. Byimplementing in this order, the cues allow each student a greaternumber of opportunities to communicate.

Herein, what are prompts and cues?

Prompts are designed to lead the student to thecorrect answer or response. Cue: A cue is just a hintand does not lead the student to the correct answer.

What is an instructional cue?

Teacher Tip Sheet | Using Cues or Prompts Page1/2 Education Cues or prompts are used to help teach, remindand reinforce students' ability to do a particular task or use setof skills. Cues or prompts can be subtle, but should be easyto recognize and interpret for both staff andstudents.

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A visual cue is a signal and reminder ofsomething; aiming to be self–explanatory and preattentive, itbrings to mind knowledge from previous experiences providing aframework for its own interpretation.

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Answer: A natural cue represents some feature ofthe classroom setting or part of an activity that signals thestudent what to do. Typically, a natural cue is one that thestudent can see, hear, touch/feel, or smell and has not beenchanged or added to by the teacher.

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What is an indirect cue?

Direct & Indirect Cues
Direct verbal cues are used to make very clearthat the listener is expected to do or say something in response.The second of these types, indirect verbal cues, areprompts that tend to be less obvious about what is expected andmight come in the form of a question.

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What are visual prompts?

However, visual prompts and some positionalprompts can be considered stimulus prompts. Stimulusprompts are a type of visual prompt in which the cueis built into the stimulus. Teaching a student to read the word redby making the word red and then fading it to black.

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What is a tactile prompt?

A tactile cue is a touch prompt. You touchthe child's lips, jaw, nose, etc to help them feel what to move oruse to make a sound.

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What is a physical cue?

Physical Cues. Physical cues involve theway our bodies respond when we become angry.

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What is an indirect verbal prompt?

A verbal prompt can be indirect or directproviding verbal instructions on what the student is to do.An indirect verbal prompt provides a cue that something isexpected of the student, but very little information is given suchas: "What do you do next?"

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What is a visual cue in speech therapy?

A visual cue is a form of modeling where thechild looks at an example. The child is expected to look at yourmouth to see how the sound is made.

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What are some examples of verbal cues?

Verbal Cue Examples Sheet. A. EmphasisCues are those which are given to focus attention onimportant information. Some examples are: You need toknow.

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What is most to least prompting?

A most-to-least prompting procedure ismost effective for students who lack necessary skills tocomplete a task.5 This prompting sequence provides themost invasive form of prompting first and fades tolower level prompts as the student masters theskill.

Donatella Witzko


What is prompting in teaching?

Prompts are stimuli a teacher uses to getlearners to give a response using target language. Promptscan be visual, spoken or written. Resources that can be used asprompts include flashcards, realia, body language, facialexpression (for correction), key words, questions, repeatingerrors, and other learners.

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What are visual cues in education?

Visual cues are helpful in the classroom as seenin the video, where students know the sequence or order in whichthings are being done or process. It can support langaugedevelopment by helping students verbalize feeling according to thevisual cues. Ms.

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What is a prompt in speech therapy?

PROMPT is an acronym for Prompts forRestructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. The technique is atactile-kinesthetic approach that uses touch cues to a patient'sarticulators (jaw, tongue, lips) to manually guide them through atargeted word, phrase or sentence.

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What is a partial physical prompt?

Partial physical prompt
The teacher provides some assistance to guide thelearner through part of the requested activity. Example: Teacherasks learner, “Clap your hands.” Teacher promptslearner by gently touching each of the learner's two hands andgently nudging the learner's hands toward eachother.

Suyong Tutor


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The system of least prompts, also referred to asleast intrusive prompts and increasing assistance, is aprompting strate- gy where the teacher/parent progresses through aprompting hierarchy (like the one shown above) from the assumedleast intrusive prompt to the most intrusive promptnecessary to obtain a correct

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What is the system of least prompts?

System of Least Prompts (SLP) is a practice thatinvolves defining and implementing a hierarchy of prompts toassist students in learning a skill. SLP is also known as“least-to-most prompting” or“least intrusive prompts.”

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What are textual prompts?

Textual Prompts. Created: Tuesday, 21 April 201523:00. A textual prompt can be helpful when words might betoo much. It might be a reward system such as when a childstruggles to commit to their homework. You may provide a visualprompt for them to see 15 minutes homework = 15 minutesipad.

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Response Prompting Procedures are systematicstrategies used to increase the probability of correctresponding and opportunities for positive reinforcement forlearners by providing and then systematically removingprompts.

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What is prompt fading in ABA?

Fading, an applied behavior analysisstrategy (ABA), is most often paired with prompts, anotherABA strategy. Fading refers to decreasing the levelof assistance needed to complete a task or activity. When teachinga skill, the overall goal is for the student to eventually engagein the skill independently.