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Asked by: Sada Mertyn
food and drink barbecues and grillingWhat is the difference between hog head cheese and souse?
Also, is hog head cheese healthy?
Optimum health: Weight gain: The good: This food is a good source of Vitamin B12. The bad: This food is high in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol, and very high in Sodium.
0% | 63% | 37% |
Carbs | Fats | Protein |
Similarly, what is another name for hog head cheese?
The definition of headcheese in the dictionary is a seasoned jellied loaf made from the head and sometimes the feet of a pig or calf Also called : brawn.
Headcheese is simply slow-cooked pork bits -- like your pulled pork -- pressed into a tasty loaf held together by that same natural gelatin. Cube it and spear it with toothpicks as part of a cold cuts platter, served with crackers or small pieces of artisanal bread, or slice it as a sandwich meat.