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Asked by: Tornike Campante
home and garden indoor environmental qualityWhat is the difference between metal halide and mercury vapor?
Herein, will metal halide work in mercury vapor?
Through research I have found that mercury vapor bulbs can be used in metal halide fixtures but a metal halide bulb cannot be used in a mercury vapor fixture. Co-worker says that's hog wash and knows a number of electricians that use MH bulbs in a MV fixture with supposedly good results.
is multi vapor the same as metal halide?
There is no difference between metal halide and multi vapor lamps because both names describe the same form of lamp. Metal halide or multi vapor lamps are a form of the light source that creates light via passing an electric arc through a gaseous mixture of mercury vapor and vapor of some metal halides.
The mercury vapor lamp works by creating an electric current to mercury vapor within a sealed glass jacket. The bulb is comprised of an inner tube, called the arc tube, and an outer jacket (or bulb). Using too small of a ballast will result in lower light output and can shorten the life of the bulb.