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Asked by: Fiorella Monteiro
science chemistryWhat is the difference between organic and aqueous layers?
In this regard, how can you tell the difference between an aqueous and organic layer?
Explanation: Look at the table on the previous slide. In the left separating funnel, the aqueous layer is on the bottom, meaning the organic layer must be less dense than water. In the right separating funnel, the aqueous layer is on the top, meaning the organic layer must be more dense than water.
Likewise, what is the aqueous layer in an extraction?
After extraction with the solvent pair of ether and water, the 2 polar compounds would be found in the aqueous layer (a polar solvent dissolves a polar solute) and the nonpolar compound would be found in the nonpolar phase (ether). Note: the phase consisting of H2O is called the aqueous phase.
Organic bases may be extracted with 10% HCl solution. Adding 2-3 drops of the top layer to a small test tube half-full of water can help you determine if the top layer is the aqueous layer. If drops dissolve into the water, the layer is the aqueous layer. If not, then it is the organic layer.