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Asked by: Tiburcio Diab
family and relationships datingWhat is the difference between pretty and hot?
Keeping this in view, are cute and hot the same thing?
1.Hot and cute are both slang words usedto describe someone's appearance and/or personality traits.2.Cute people are wholesome and moderately attractive whilehot people look amazing and often have loose morals.3.Cute people are relationship material whereas hotpeople are not.
Moreover, what does pretty hot mean?
Hot means when the chick has a nice face and hasa nice body(dressed up in a sexy outfit). Pretty means thatthe girl has a nice face and that's all. #17 Posted by xSIZEMATTER(7045 posts) - 11 years, 5 months ago. I never tell a girl shes'shot, they don't like that and think you are just some pervmost of the time.
Simply, you look hot means you look sexuallyattractive. Though not the part of answer but maybe useful: Myfriend asked me whether to use hot or cool for a girl heliked! The difference is you call someone hot whenthey are sexually attractive, and call someone cool whenthey are mentally calm (under any stress!).