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Asked by: Sfia Morna
science space and astronomyWhat is the difference between primary and secondary dimensions of diversity?
Thereof, what are primary and secondary dimensions of diversity?
It is important to distinguish between the primary and secondary dimensions of diversity. Primary dimensions are the following: age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race and sexual orientation. Secondary dimensions of diversity are those that can be changed.
Keeping this in view, what are the primary and secondary characteristics of diversity?
There are primary and secondary characteristics of diversity. The primary characteristics are age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, and physical ability. Secondary characteristics can either be acquired or changed in life, they affect an individual's view of the world and how others view them.
A dimension is a measure of a physical variable. In fluid mechanics, there are four primary dimensions: mass, length, time, and temperature. Primary dimensions are defined as independent dimensions, from which all other dimensions can be obtained. They are listed below, along with their symbols.