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Asked by: Kimberli Wallich
education special educationWhat is the difference between pronunciation and pronounciation?
Likewise, are pronunciation and enunciation the same?
Enunciation is the art of speaking wordsclearlyand concisely. Pronunciation is the act of speakingwordscorrectly. Enunciation deals with areas like projectionofsyllables and the speed of speaking while saying aword.Pronunciation deals with language factors likeaccent,intonation and diction.
Correspondingly, what is difference between accent and pronunciation?
Pronunciation is linked to articulation,beingable to move the mouth and tongue to produce the words, butalso tointonation and syllable stress. In simple terms, anaccentis a pattern of pronunciation, whereas,pronunciationis articulation and the way that words arespoken – confusedyet?
Pronunciation - Pronunciation refers tothemanner in which we make speech sounds. Articulationrefers tothe usage of speech organs such as tongue, jaws, lips,etc. in orderto produce sounds while pronunciation refersto the way wordsneed to be sounded when speaking.