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Asked by: Tina Kellie
technology and computing operating systemsWhat is the difference between Qwerty Azerty and Qwertz?
Keeping this in consideration, what is the difference between Qwertz and qwerty?
The main difference between QWERTZ and QWERTY isthat the positions of the Z and Y keys are switched (hence thenickname "kezboard"). "T" and "Z" often appear next to each otherin the German orthography, and typewriter jamming would bereduced by placing the two keys so they could be typed withseparate hands.
Just so, what is Qwerty and Azerty?
AZERTY keyboard. A keyboard layout used in Franceand neighboring countries. A, Z, E, R, T and Y are the letters onthe top left, alphabetic row. AZERTY is similar to theQWERTY layout, except that Q and A are swapped, Z and W areswapped and M is in the middle row instead of the bottomone.
How to Change From QWERTY toAZERTY. The AZERTY keyboard layout is rarely used inNorth America; by default, most Windows 8 machines are set to usethe QWERTY keyboard as part of their regional settings. Byaccessing the regional language settings menu, however, youcan make the switch to AZERTY easily.