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Asked by: Maite Rita
television childrens tvWhat is the difference between televisor and television?
Consequently, what's the difference between el televisor and La televisión?
If I recall correctly, the feminine la televisión refers more to the broadcasting industry, in general, and the masculine el televisor is for a TV set (aparatus-el televisor), however, if you look in our dictionary under the feminine la televsión you will see el televisor given as a definition so la televisión can be
Just so, are TVS male or female?
Unit 5: Feminine Nouns (Feminine Nouns) Exercice 5 The word for pencil “crayon” for example is masculine in French, whereas the word television “télévision” is feminine. The best way to know the gender of a noun is to memorize the word with its accompanying article “un”, “une”, “le”, “la”.
Answer and Explanation: The Spanish noun televisión (pronounced: teh-leh-bee-SYOHN) is feminine. To help you learn its gender, remember this tip: Spanish nouns ending