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Asked by: Fousseyni Hanselmann
technology and computing video softwareWhat is the difference between XAVC S and Avchd?
In respect to this, which is better quality mp4 or Avchd?
With the compression of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, the outputfile size of AVCHD is 3 times as big as the MP4 file.MP4 gets a higher compression than AVCHD,which makes MP4 file smaller than AVCHD. Generallyspeaking, a 30 minute video in MP4 with 1920 X 1080resolution takes about 100MB while AVCHD about300MB.
Also know, is MTS better than mp4?
They offer the ease of sharing by web or hard disks. Itindicates that the files created using MP4 format are muchsmaller in size, but they are high in audio and video quality. Youcan easily convert AVCHD to MP4 with various different codecand file resolution for better playing, editing andsharing.
MP4 file format, also commonly known as MPEG-4Part 14 or MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding), is a multimedia fileformat used to digitally store audio and video files. MP4file format is basically a container which holds audio and videofiles that are digitally encoded.