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Asked by: Adrianna Pond
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaWhat is the drug in Minority Report?
The Real Drug It Represents: Heroin. This one's easy—the substance that Tom Cruise enjoys in Minority Report is simply a futuristically-huffable form of heroin. It's even called "neuroin"—get it?
Similarly one may ask, what happens in Minority Report?
Worse, Anderton doesn't even know the victim. He decides to get to the mystery's core by finding out the 'minority report' which means the prediction of the female Pre-Cog Agatha that "might" tell a different story and prove Anderton innocent. In Washington, D.C., in the year 2054, murder has been eliminated.
Additionally, what is a precog in Minority Report?
Precogs, or officially known as Precognitives, are individuals that possess a psychic ability to see events in the future, primarily premeditated murders.
Clarity. Clarity is an addictive drug in the Pre-Crime Universe.