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Asked by: Gazmira Arançaçu
business and finance defense industryWhat is the effective range of a 380 pistol?
Likewise, people ask, how far does a 380 pistol bullet travel?
Therefore, it is not designed for long-range shooting.Inoptimal conditions when fired from a 30-degree angle and withamuzzle velocity of 955 FPS the bullet can travelupto 50 yards. Thus, if you want to know how far will a 380bullettravel, fire in optimal conditions.
Beside this, can a 380 stop an attacker?
A .380 Auto Can't StopAnAttacker Never mind "stopping power;" some peoplebelievethat sufficient trauma can't be done by a .380autoto stop an attacker. Hogwash. However, ammunitionselectionis important if carrying .380.
While these small caliber handgun bulletscanproduce fatal wounds, they are less likely to produce therapidincapacitation necessary in law enforcementorself-defense situations. Handguns chamberedin.380 ACP are small, compact, and generally easytocarry.