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Asked by: Tommie Espuche
hobbies and interests paintingWhat is the everyday language of people in a region or country?
The vernacular is the language or dialect that ismost widely spoken by ordinary people in a region orcountry.
Herein, what is the everyday language of the people?
vernacular. Vernacular describes everydaylanguage, including slang, that's used by the people.The vernacular is different from literary or officiallanguage: it's the way people really talk with eachother, like how families talk at home.
Similarly one may ask, how was the Renaissance art different from the Middle Ages?
The Middle Ages was a period from the 5th to 16thcenturies. A very prominent difference between theRenaissance and Middle Ages is that of theart. The Renaissance artists followed the moreclassical form of art. They portrayed human beauty and thereligion predominantly.