Co-Authored By:
CWP - Childbirth Without Pain.
In this manner, what does CWP stand for?
– Maximum Working Pressure or CWP (Cold Working Pressure) The maximum working pressure (pounds per square inch) at which a valve can be operated. The. maximum working pressures for various pressure classes, per Table 2.1 ot`API-GD, within temperature limits of —20°F and +100°F, are as follows: CLASS MWP (CWP)
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
**** | CWP | Chronic Widespread Pain |
**** | CWP | Center for Wave Phenomena |
*** | CWP | Center for Watershed Protection |
*** | CWP | Centimeters of Water Pressure |
Moreover, what does CWP stand for in police?
CPL: Concealed Pistol License. CWP: Concealed weapons permit.
***** SWP. Stupid White People. *** SWP.