Asked by: Cyrille Kaphengst
science chemistry

What is the function of DPIP in this experiment?

The function of the DPIP in this experiment is to act as the electron acceptor, replacing the usual NADP found in plants. When the light shines on the active chloroplasts, the electrons are excited, which causes them to jump to a higher energy level thus reducing the DPIP.

Thereof, what is the role of DPIP?

The function of the DPIP is to change from blue to clear as photosynthesis proceeds and DPIP is reduced, allowing the spectrometer to measure the rate of photosynthesis through the clarity of the DPIP solution. The DPIP replaces the NADP+ molecules in photosynthesis. The source of the electrons is the water.

Secondly, what replaces DPIP in photosynthesis? Since DPIP replaces NADPH in the light reactions, it will turn from blue to colorless when reduced during photosynthesis.

what is the effect of darkness on the reduction of DPIP explain?

The effect of darkness on the reduction of DPIP is that the reaction occurs much slower. This is because the electrons move slower when there is not light, and photosynthesis reactions need light to perform the light reactions.

What is the ultimate source of electrons that will reduce DPIP?

When light strikes the chloroplasts, the DPIP is reduced by the excited electrons from chlorophyll, and it changes from its original blue color to colorless as it accepts the electrons.

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2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP, DCIP or DPIP) is a chemical compound used as a redox dye. When oxidized, DCPIP is blue with a maximal absorption at 600 nm; when reduced, DCPIP is colorless.

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Chlorophylla-a is the primary pigment for photosynthesis in plants, but the range of light absorption is extended by chlorophyll-b, beta-carotene and other accessory pigments. The variations of chlorophyll-b and the bacterial version are indicated above.

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What happens when you boil chloroplasts?

When chloroplasts are boiled, the enzymes that are needed for photosynthesis denature. With the denaturation of the enzymes in the chloroplasts, DPIP is unable to be reduced to DPIPH. Without this reduction reaction, the light reactions of photosynthesis cannot occur.

Madhu LVI


How do you make a DPIP solution?

To prepare the DPIP (2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol ) solution, add 0.072 g of DPIP to distilled water to make a total volume of 1 liter. Store this solution in a dark bottle and refrigerate.

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What are the roles of the other pigments?

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What must be present for photosynthesis to occur?

For photosynthesis to occur, plants need sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll. Through the process of photosynthesis plants convert light energy into chemical energy. They use this energy to make food which they store as sugars. Plants get the water needed for photosynthesis from their roots.

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In relatively bright light photosynthesis is the dominant process (the plant produces more food than it uses during respiration). At night, or in the absence of light, photosynthesis essentially ceases, and respiration is the dominant process; the plant consumes food (for growth and other metabolic processes).

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What is the effect of darkness on photosynthesis explain?

Plants and some single-celled organisms use photosynthesis to transform water and carbon dioxide into glucose. Light is essential to this energy-generating process. When darkness falls, photosynthesis stops.

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What is the reaction for photosynthesis?

The process of photosynthesis is commonly written as: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that the reactants, six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules, are converted by light energy captured by chlorophyll (implied by the arrow) into a sugar molecule and six oxygen molecules, the products.

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Were chloroplasts able to to reduce DPIP?

Chloroplasts can not reduce DPIP when it is in the dark. The amount of sugar in photosynthesis depends on the exposure to light. they reduce the dpip, because they can only absorb so much hydrogen, so they reduce the dpip.

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Why do leaves change color?

Chlorophyll Breaks Down
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What is DPIP in photosynthesis?

The first stage, called the light reactions of photosynthesis, requires light energy. In this experiment, a blue dye (2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol, or DPIP) will be used to replace NADPH in the light reactions. When the dye is oxidized, it is blue. When reduced, however, it turns colorless.

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What was the purpose of adding three drops of chloroplast suspension?

The purpose of adding 3 drops of chloroplast suspension to Cuvette 1 was to observe the initial chloroplast suspension color as a control so the other cuvette colors could be referred and compared to the control chloroplast suspension color.

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What does DPIP stand for?

Acronym Definition
DPIP 2,6-Dichlorophenol-Indophenol (biology, electron accepting compound used for dye reduction experiments in plants)
DPIP Dirigée par du Personnel Infirmier Praticien (Canadian clinic)
DPIP Distinguished Partner in Progress (award)
DPIP District Poverty Initiatives Program (India)

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What effect did darkness have on the reduction of DPIP?

The effect of darkness on the reduction of DPIP is that the reaction occurs much slower. This is because the electrons move slower when there is not light, and photosynthesis reactions need light to perform the light reactions.