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Asked by: Ihintza Haberstetter
business and finance biotech and biomedical industryWhat is the function of spirulina?
Keeping this in view, what is the purpose of spirulina?
Spirulina has a high protein and vitamincontent,which makes it an excellent dietary supplement for peopleonvegetarian or vegan diets. Research suggests thatspirulinahas antioxidant and inflammation-fightingproperties, as well asthe ability to help regulate the immunesystem.
Correspondingly, when should I take spirulina?
Take the tablets with water just beforemeals.When slimming, take the tablets with a large glass ofwaterhalf an hour before meals. You can either take thedailyintake all at once in the morning, or in divided doses spreadoverthe course of the day. It is better not to takeanySpirulina in the evening.
Rich in nutrients, vitamins and both fatty andaminoacids, Spirulina decreases inflammation, tonestheskin and encourages cell turnover to promote amoreyouthful-looking complexion. By encouraging the shedding ofdeadskin cells, it helps to maintain a healthy,lit-from-withinglow.