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Asked by: Selam Maitia
home and garden home entertainingWhat is the height of electric pole in India?
Utility poles range in height
Meanwhile, the standard height from thegroundset by the Indian Electricity Rules is 20 feet high.But asI've written about, power line poles in Indiaoftensag much lower, causing wildlife like its majestic elephantsto beelectrocuted.
Similarly, you may ask, what is the height of electric pole?
120 ft
Also know, how tall is a power pole in Australia?
Power PolesinAustralia have a minimum height requirement,whichhappens to be 4.5 m above ground. In some situationsthisrequirement is greater due to the need to clear terrain, orthetype of pole. In such circumstances, the pole canbe5.5 m or even 6 m in height.
The number of pole pairs (p)ornumber of poles for an asynchronous motordeterminesthe motor's synchronous speed: Two-pole andfour-poleasynchronous motors are typically used forcentrifugalpumps.