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In this way, does higher income lead to happiness?
This Is the Amount of Money You Need to Be Happy,According to Research. Money really can buyhappiness, as it turns out — but you might not need asmuch as you think. In the new study, the researchers note thattheir estimates pertain specifically to individuals, and idealhousehold income is likely higher.
In this way, what is the perfect income?
Some look at wealth. Others look at income. Onewell-publicized study last year put the optimal income forhappiness at around $75,000. Rising income, it turns out,produces greater happiness until you get to around $75,000. Theregion with the most modest needs for happiness isEurope.
There are three main things that make peoplehappy: close relationships, a job or past-time that they loveand helping others. On the other hand, money and material things donot have a lot to do with happiness, and people whoemphasize them are less happy than those who donot.