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Regarding this, what is the legal size for rockfish in Maryland?
Maryland. Spring Catch and Release Season:March1-April 19—No harvest. Spring Trophy Season: April20-May15—one fish per person per day, minimum size35inches.
Besides, what is the size limit for rockfish?
The daily bag and possession limit is 10fishwithin the 10-fish RCG Complex aggregate limit (includesallspecies of Rockfish, Cabezon and Greenlings), with aminimumsize limit of 12 inches totallength.
Adult rockfish swim in the ocean but laytheireggs in fresh water. The Maryland record forarockfish caught in the Chesapeake Bay weighed 67.5pounds.Declining stocks (attributed to over-fishing and pollution)forcedMaryland to impose a moratorium on harvesting thespeciesbetween 1985 and 1989.