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Similarly, you may ask, what is the average life of a car battery?
The life expectancy for your car batteryistypically between four to six years. Several factors determinehowlong your battery will last, for example weatherconditions,vehicle type and driving habits. There are,however, severalkey pointers you can utilise to help increase thelifeexpectancy of your car battery.
People also ask, what is the life of a 12 volt battery?
The accumulation of such deposits, otherwise knownassulfation, is the most destructive process in the lifeofany lead-acid battery. A typical12-voltlead-acid battery must be taken toapproximately 14.2-14.4VDC before it is fully charged. (For24 volt systems,double these figures.)
After three years, it's normally time to installareplacement. After four or five years, mostcarbatteries will be almost completely unreliable. Oldcarbatteries can present a number of safety andreliabilityissues. Luckily, it's easy to identify if your car'sbatteryis nearing the end of its lifespan.