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Likewise, what is the use of tongs in laboratory?
Laboratory tongs are large pincers forgraspingand lifting vessels of heat-resistant material usedin hightemperature chemical reactions. Tongs differ in shapearedesigned to pick up laboratory items including,hotevaporating dishes, beakers, crucibles, and otherlaboratoryapparatuses.
- Flat-surface kitchen tongs. These are essential for thickfoodslike steaks, burgers and pork chops, offering the greatestamountof stability.
- Forked tongs.
- Small tongs.
- Extra long tongs.
- Canning tongs.
- Bamboo tongs.
Secondly, why is it necessary to handle the crucible only with clean tongs after heating?
The crucible was heated to be certainitwas completely dry. The tongs had to be clean sothatthey did not transfer any dirt or debris to thecrucible.The presence of any water, dirt, or debris causeserror in the massmeasurements.
Ring Stand Used to hold or clamp laboratoryglasswareand other equipment in place, so it does not fall down orcomeapart.