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LKG stands for Lower Kindergarten. Kindergartenspecifies a babysitter or nursery school for the 3-4 years oldchildren. It is a German word which literally means "gardenfor children". The duration of LKG is one year. These threeyears are Nursery, LKG (Lower Kindergarten), and UKG (UpperKindergarten).
Hereof, what is full form of LKG?
Lower Kinder Garten
One may also ask, what is the age for LKG?
3 years 6 months
Kindergarten is a German word that mean Garden ofChildren. As the number of seats in LKg or SrKg were less ascompared to the children who needed to attend them, Preschools wereborn to train the kids before they went to LKg. So theywould teach the same basics in a much more funway.