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Asked by: Ikbal Weisbecker
business and finance real estate industryWhat is the meaning of free real estate?
In this way, what is the free real estate meme?
One of the Adult Swim show's most well-known sketches, which uses the punchline, “It's free real estate!” has become the latest darling of meme jokes. According to Know Your Meme, the sketch spoofs a commercial in which Tim and Eric attempt to give away a house “to one guy” named Jim.
Herein, wHO says its free real estate?
The original 2009 sketch is a commercial for a free house for one guy, Jim. Tim and Eric try everything to get him to claim it, with Tim finally whispering the money line at the end: “It's free real estate!”
The term real estate means real, or physical,property. “Real” comes from the Latin root res, or things. Others say it's from the Latin word rex, meaning “royal,” since kings used to own all land in their kingdoms.