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Likewise, what is the use of inoculum?
The definition of an inoculum is a substance introduced into the body to create or increase the body's resistance or immunity to a disease. A flu vaccine is an example of an inoculum.
Subsequently, question is, what does Innoculate mean?
in·oc·u·la·tion (ĭ-nŏk′y?-lā′sh?n) The act or an instance of inoculating, especially the introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
Mummified fruit was the main source of primary inoculum for species of Alternaria and Epicoccum, whereas mummified fruit and bark were equally important for species of Colletotrichum and Diaporthe. In addition, spore traps were used to monitor seasonal inoculum abundance in the nurseries.