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Simply so, what is an example of malice?
Elaine's malice towards her lying husbandcausedher to destroy her wedding ring. Licensed from GettyImages.noun.Malice is defined as bad will or the desire to do badthingsto another person. An example of malice is when youhatesomeone and want to seek revenge.
Consequently, what is the legal definition of malice?
Malice in law is the intent,withoutjustification excuse or reason, to commit a wrongful actthat willresult in harm to another. Express malice is theintent tokill or seriously injure arising from a deliberate,rational mind.On the other hand implied malice is that whichcan beinferred from a person's conduct.
Definition of malice. 1 : desire to causepain,injury, or distress to another an attack motivated bypuremalice.