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Asked by: Buen Froelich
technology and computing computer peripheralsWhat is the meant by a dedicated computer?
Besides, what is a dedicated computer?
A dedicated server is a single computer ina network reserved for serving the needs of the network. Forexample, some networks require that one computer be setaside to manage communications between all the othercomputers. A dedicated server could also be acomputer that manages printer resources.
Also to know, what is meant by devoted computer?
Explanation: The devoted computer is built forhandling a particular task, which means it can perform onlyone task permanently. For instance, there are numerous varieties ofdevoted computers like digital camera, mobile phone, ATM,and much more. It is a specific purpose computersystem.
Dedication can be complete devotion and faith insomeone or something, like your dedication to your family, aceremony in which something is officially named, like thededication of a new building.