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Asked by: Gabija Bronne
medical health digestive disordersWhat is the medical term for difficult digestion?
Then, what is the medical term meaning difficult digestion?
Dyspeptic: Pertaining to dyspepsia, a term thatis probably more often encountered today in advertising than inmedicine. The word "dyspepsia" came into Englishusage in 1706. It was contrived by cementing "dys-" to the Greek"pepsis" (digestion) = dysdigestion =indigestion.
Also question is, what is the medical term for digestion?
The alimentary canal is the medical term for yourentire digestive tract. Bile is important for thedigestion of fats. Bowel: When your doctors use theword bowel, they are talking about your intestines. Thelarge intestine may be called the colon or the largebowel.
Digestion is the breakdown of large insolublefood molecules into small water-soluble food molecules so that theycan be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. In certain organisms,these smaller substances are absorbed through the small intestineinto the blood stream.