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Asked by: Lingzhi Schonbeck
medical health bone and joint conditionsWhat is the medical term for the forehead?
Correspondingly, what is the forehead called in anatomy?
In human anatomy, the forehead is anareaof the head bounded by three features, two of the skull and oneofthe scalp. The top of the forehead is marked bythehairline, the edge of the area where hair on the scalpgrows.(Etymology of sinciput: from semi- "half" +caput"head".)
Thereof, what is the synonym of forehead?
Synonyms of forehead facade (also façade), face,forepart,front.
Muscles and aponeurosis of theforehead.The muscular layer of the eyebrow is belowthe subcutaneoustissue. This layer is composed of the elevatormuscle (frontalis)and the depressor muscles (procerus,corrugator supercilii,orbital portion of the orbicularisoculi).