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Asked by: Jucelia Hidler
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsWhat is the most valuable coin in Canada?
The 1911 Canadian Silver Dollar is the Holy Grailof Canadian coins. For years it held the record for theworld's most valuable coin.
Likewise, people ask, what are the most valuable Canadian coins?
Here's a look at three of the rarest coins in Cook'scollection:
- 1911 silver dollar. There are only two 1911 silver dollars inexistence, and they're considered the "holy grail" of Canadiancoins.
- 1921 50 cent coin. This 1921 50 cent coin is considered to bein the best shape of the remaining coins. (
- 1936 dot cent penny.
In this regard, do Canadian coins have value?
There are six denominations of Canadiancirculation coinage in production: 5¢, 10¢, 25¢,50¢, $1, and $2. Officially they are each named according totheir value (e.g. "10-cent piece"), but in practice only the50-cent piece is known by that name.
The Ultimate List of Valuable Coins
- 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel $4,408,650.
- 1870 S Liberty Seated Dollar $1,959,995.
- 1927 D St Gaudens Double Eagle $1,200,000.
- 1794 Flowing Hair Dollar $825,098.
- 1838 O Capped Bust Half Dollar $745,000.
- 1933 Indian Head Gold Eagle $600,000.
- 1817 Capped Bust Half Dollar $500,000.